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throatslasher's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Tier list

06 May

Views: 4227 TIER LIST

Tier 1: Hecarim, Nautilus
Tier 2: Xin Zhao, Jarvan IV, Nasus, Volibear, Sejuani(^^)
Tier 3: Vi, Udyr, Nocturne, Lee Sin, Elise, Amumu, Zac,
Tier 4: Kha'Zix, Shen, Fiddlesticks, Dr. Mundo, Shaco, Kayle, Cho'gath, Pantheon(v), Trundle, Taric, Rammus, Olaf, Skaner, Warwick(v), Jax, Maokai, Zed
Tier 5: Rengar, Master Yi, Shyvanna, Malphite

Renekton Tier: Renekton
Tier 1: Rumble, Nidalee(AD), Shen, Elise, Jayce, Riven
Tier 2: Lee Sin, Jax, Kayle, Xin Zhao, Nasus, Teemo, Singed, Vladimir, Zed, Irelia, Kennen(KOREA BUILD), Cho'gath, Vlad(*)
Tier 3: Katarina, Malphite,...
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21 Mar

Views: 1737 Tier list

Hello. Here is my tier list, broken down by roles. Certain champions in a favorable lane matchup are better than they are depicted on this list. For example, J4 top would be heavily favorited against a higher tier character if he has a better matchup than they do.

When I write my tier lists, champions in a tier are considered of relatively equal power, unlike elementz's. So, a champion who is #1 in tier 3 is not necessarily stronger than the last champion in tier 3. That's just how I choose to do things. If your champion is not mentioned, it probably means they suck so hard I forgot to...
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12 Mar

Views: 2198 tier list

Hello. Here is my tier list, broken down by roles. Certain champions in a favorable lane matchup are better than they are depicted on this list. For example, J4 top would be heavily favorited against a higher tier character if he has a better matchup than they do.

When I write my tier lists, champions in a tier are considered of relatively equal power, unlike elementz's. So, a champion who is #1 in tier 3 is not necessarily stronger than the last champion in tier 3. That's just how I choose to do things. If your champion is not mentioned, it probably means they suck so hard I forgot to...
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05 Mar

Views: 3470 tier list

Hello. Here is my tier list, broken down by roles. Certain champions in a favorable lane matchup are better than they are depicted on this list. For example, J4 top would be heavily favorited against a higher tier character if he has a better matchup than they do.

When I write my tier lists, champions in a tier are considered of relatively equal power, unlike elementz's. So, a champion who is #1 in tier 3 is not necessarily stronger than the last champion in tier 3. That's just how I choose to do things. If your champion is not mentioned, it probably means they suck so hard I forgot to...
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25 Feb

Views: 1646 tier list

Hello. Here is my tier list, broken down by roles. Certain champions in a favorable lane matchup are better than they are depicted on this list. For example, J4 top would be heavily favorited against a higher tier character if he has a better matchup than they do.

When I write my tier lists, champions in a tier I consider of equal power, unlike elementz's. So, a champion who is #1 in tier 3 is not necessarily stronger than the last person in tier 3. That's just how I choose to do things. If your champion is not mentioned, it probably means they suck so hard I forgot to include them. If I...
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